Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa

The Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa is a voluntary co-ordinating body whose primary aim is to foster and co-ordinate the practice and teaching of resuscitation, and to promote uniformity and standardization of resuscitation techniques.


The Objectives of the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa are:

  1. To gather and collate as much scientific information regarding resuscitation techniques from as wide a variety of sources as possible, and to disseminate this information to all interested parties.
  2. To provide an advisory and resource service regarding techniques, equipment, teaching methods and teaching aids.
  3. To foster research into methods of practice and teaching of resuscitation.
  4. To pursue the development of standards for resuscitation equipment and to provide simplicity and uniformity in techniques and terminology regarding resuscitation.
  5. To establish regular communications with other bodies with similar objectives, both in Southern Africa and abroad, and to provide a forum for discussion of all aspects of resuscitation.

The methods of implementing the Aims and Objectives of the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa are:

  1. To develop and publish policy statements which can be used as guidelines towards standardization of resuscitation procedures in Southern Africa.
  2. To review world literature and research in resuscitation.
  3. To review and update policies by a process of consultation with member bodies and other experts.
  4. To act as a resource for anyone wanting authoritative material on the subject.
  5. To advise publishers of inaccurate or inappropriate resuscitation material.
  6. To review resuscitation material and equipment.